Want to use video content to grow your audience and become an authority figure in your niche? The most strategic way to do that is to create video tutorials aimed directly at your ideal clients or customers.
Why create video tutorials?
- You’re showing off your expertise. By creating video tutorials, you literally show people how much you know, and help increase your audience’s trust in you, your skills, and your products or services.
- You’re helping people who might not yet be ready to purchase your products or services. If you’re like me, you started your business to help others, but you know not everyone can afford your services. By creating video marketing content that is freely available to everyone, you can provide value and help to so many more people.
- It’s easily discoverable by non-followers. YouTube is a search engine, and every day millions of people are looking for answers. By creating video tutorials, you’re making it more likely for your ideal clients to find you when they type their questions into the search box.
Now that you know why you should be filming video tutorials, let’s jump into how to effectively plan and film a video tutorial.
How to effectively plan and film your video marketing
Tip 1: Create an Outline
It is key you have a video outline created before you hit the record button. This is important for three reasons:
- You’ll feel more prepared and confident when recording. By the time you’re in front of the camera, you’ll already be familiar with the points you want to make.
- It will help you plan your shot list so you can keep track of what footage you’ve already recorded.
- It will make the post-production phase a lot easier because you (or your video editor) can use it as a guide while editing your video.
Does this mean there’s no room for spontaneity during the filming phase? Of course not!
The outline you create isn’t set in stone. While recording, you can make any changes you’d like, just make sure to note them down on your outline so you don’t forget.
Tip 2: Make ‘Eye Contact’
It’s important that your viewers feel like you’re talking to them when your face is on camera. To create this effect, place your camera at eye-level and make sure that you’re looking at the camera lens while recording.
Making eye contact (even through a screen) can help your audience feel like you’re talking directly to them, creating a stronger sense of connection.
Tip 3: Capture Quality Audio
With videos, visuals aren’t the only thing that matter, sound is just as important. Aim to record clear audio so that your audience doesn’t have to strain to hear what you’re saying.
When recording, make sure to speak clearly, and loud enough for your mic to pick up your voice. Minimize background noise by closing the doors in the room you’re recording in, and lay down some blankets on hard surfaces to reduce echoing.
If possible, have any pets, children, or spouses hang out in another room. This will help reduce excess noise and keep you from becoming distracted. When watching the playback of your test recording, make sure to check the quality of the audio as well.
Tip 4: Be you!
Don’t try to pretend to be what you think your audience wants you to be, just be you. Your personality is one of the key things that will make you stand out from other entrepreneurs in your niche, and will help build up the ‘know, like, and trust’ factor in your business.
Tip 5: Don’t Be Afraid to Mess Up
One of the advantages of producing video content is that you can always edit out the bloopers, so you don’t have to worry about recording a perfect shot from start to finish. That said, having to retake a shot because you said the wrong thing or lost your train of thought isn’t fun and can be disheartening.
Here’s what you can do to power through that feeling of frustration.
If you find yourself getting frustrated while filming your video, take a break to reset your focus and energy. Take a few deep breaths, put on your favourite song, or watch a few cat videos.
Start Again
Once you’ve reset, the important part is that you try again. Maybe you need a day to reset, or maybe even a week, but don’t give up. For most people, filming videos doesn’t come naturally, and it will probably feel uncomfortable at first. But practice makes progress, and after you’ve done a few videos it will get easier.
If you’d like a worksheet to help you implement these tips while you plan and film your next video, grab the Video Prep Worksheet here.
Want to learn more about getting started with video marketing and transforming your business leads? Get our Ultimate Guide to Video Marketing here.