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Building wealth beyond your business with April Stewart

Ready to get one step closer to your money goals and build wealth through your business? Finance coach April Stewart joins us on this episode of the Unbreakable Business podcast to teach us how to do exactly that. 

Listen in to learn exactly what you need to have in place in your business before you can start building wealth. If you’ve been wondering how you can use your money to make more money, this episode is for you.

This episode is part of our Money Talks series, brought to you by our Tax Filing Checklist to get you ready for tax season!

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The number one thing business owners can do to build wealth

Before you can build wealth, you need to manage your business income wisely. Too many business owners don’t understand their numbers. You need to know what’s happening with your revenue and your business expenses. 

Using a money management tool is a great way to get more organized. It’s also great to have an accountant, but you can’t use them as an excuse to check out and not pay attention to your numbers. 

How to build financial security

Before you can build wealth with your business, you need to get intentional with your personal finances. For independent business owners, the lines between the two can get blurry. However, you can’t build wealth until you have a secure financial foundation.

The key elements to building a strong financial foundation are:

  1. Having the right money mindset, habits, and behaviors. This looks like:
    1. Creating a spending plan
    2. Getting out of high-interest debt
    3. Saving for emergencies.
  2. Creating an investment strategy based on your goals, lifestyle, and needs.

If the word “budget” feels restrictive to you, call it a spending plan instead. You’re going to spend your money one way or another, so you need to be intentional and proactive about how you’re doing it. 

It’s wise to plan out what you’re spending at the beginning of each month. Think of it as navigating your money and telling it where to go. A spending plan helps you maximize and optimize your income. 

Can you build wealth and pay off debt at the same time?

You can build wealth and pay off debt at the same time, but you have to be intentional and strategic to make it work. If you have any high-interest consumer debt, you need to address that first. Until it’s paid off, you aren’t positioned well for wealth building. 

Millionaires don’t have a million dollars sitting in the bank. Instead, they have a million-dollar net worth, which is assets minus liabilities (everything you own minus everything you owe). 

Debt is a liability that can hold you back from building wealth. While you can build wealth and pay off debt at the same time, getting rid of the debt first will help you build wealth faster. You’ll be able to invest more and put more money back into your business.

Building wealth after you’ve paid off debt

If you’re debt-free and ready to go all in with wealth building, here’s what you need to prioritize:

  1. Investing in your retirement—business owners can open a solo 401K, SEP account, or Roth IRA
  2. Opening secondary investment accounts
  3. Strengthening your main source of income
  4. Diversify your income streams

Start where you are

The most important part of wealth building is to just get started. Nothing is too small, and you have to start where you are. Look at your full financial picture and determine what areas you need to strengthen, what expenses you can cut, and how you can increase your revenue. 

Seek out help if you need it. Business owners need to prioritize creating solid financial systems. From there, you can start investing in your future. 

Rapid fire questions

  1. When it comes to wealth, is mindset or strategy more important? Mindset
  2. Favorite book about money? The Millionaire Next Door
  3. The best advice you’ve received about money? To pay off my mortgage early
  4. What financial advice is outdated? Most advice about debt
  5. If you were given an extra $10,000 tomorrow, what would you do with it? Invest in coaching and build my cash reserves
  6. Should people focus more on increasing their income or cutting expenses? Earning more income
  7. Favorite way to celebrate a financial win? Getting a massage

What does having an unbreakable business mean to you?

For April, having an unbreakable business means having a business that’s financially sound. 

Important sections of the conversation

  • [3:03] The number one thing business owners can do to build wealth
  • [4:25] April’s money story
  • [8:08[ How to build financial security
  • [13:16] Can you build wealth and pay off debt at the same time?
  • [15:53] Building wealth after you’ve paid off debt
  • [31:36] Start where you are
  • [34:11] Rapid fire questions
  • [37:37] What does having an unbreakable business mean to you?

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