Email Marketing

Email Marketing

With the email marketing strategies, tips and templates featured in this guide, you’ll be ready to kick off your email marketing knowing it will help, not hurt, your brand.

This month’s guide shares:

What's inside

Ben Sailer You already are convinced of your need for marketing through email… or you wouldn’t be here. But perhaps you’re feeling the overwhelm about how to plan out your email strategy. Ben shares ideas for content in your strategy as well as themes to use to map out your calendar, complete with a free download of a customizable email marketing calendar. Read More Download Guide

Nathalie PinchamStories resonate. They connect. Stories make it possible for your email campaigns incorporate your client’s story into your brand’s story. If you’re looking for a way to use storytelling in your emails (and you should be!), Nathalie has 5 ideas of how to begin, plus copywriting tips that make sure it’s all about them… not you.

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Ashlyn CarterWant email to do the heavy lifting for your business when you need to take a step away to rest? Ashlyn shares 3 best practices she recommends to uplevel what you’ve got going on. From copywriting formulas, to a little trick of where to find email copy ideas on the web, to the final step you need to take before hitting send, this article shares expert insight you need to know.

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Aleia WalkerThere is nothing worse than staring at the cursor wondering where to start when writing an email. Fortunately, Aleia walks you through 8 emails that should be in your email sequence to not only introduce yourself, but also introduce your product or service and get it into the hands of your ideal client (on repeat!) – complete with an email marketing strategy template to put those 8 emails into action. Also, don’t even know what to sell in your sequence? She gives you two best options to get started today! Read More Download Guide

Jess Jordana PaxsonBoring emails don’t get opened. They don’t build relationships. They don’t convert. If you’re ready to elevate your evergreen sequence and all following emails, Jess shares her 3 best practices for to get people to engage, click, and buy. With these simple takeaways, you’ll be ready to build consistency into your email marketing strategy and build your business.

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Get 12 Free Email Templates

Could your email game use some help? We’re partnering with the email marketing experts at Flodesk to give you all the tools you need in the #UpMyEmailGame challenge. Buckle up and get ready to create an entire year’s worth of email marketing in just three days (yes, three!). Sign up and get 12 free email templates for your business and one month free of Flodesk.

Ask Flodesk: Your Email Marketing Questions Answered

Have an email marketing question? Get answers from Martha Bitar and Rebecca Shostak, the co-founders of Flodesk. No question is too big or small. Just ask them here and get a response every Friday over on Instagram and the blog. Watch now to get the Flodesk expert secrets to all your email marketing questions:

Disclaimer: The advice featured in this guide and on the blog was sourced from our community members for sharing general information and knowledge. For specific legal, financial, tax, mental health and professional advice, please consult an authorized professional.