Last week we were scrolling through the #TuesdaysTogether hashtag on Instagram and came across a proposal that happened in the middle of a TuesdaysTogether meetup! We emailed Sara, the leader of the Tallahassee group, and Emily to get the story so we could share with our RTS family– does this mean we have our very first Rising Tide wedding?

From Emily:
“When it came to planning everything, it’s been in the works for quite awhile. Tim asked my parents about a year ago for my hand in marriage. About a month after that, we were graciously gifted our respective grandmother’s wedding ring sets. I knew I wanted to include as many of the stones as possible to make the engagement ring an heirloom piece. The result is a gorgeous one-of-a-kind ring that has round, marquee and baguette shaped stones all in one beautiful rose gold setting. We went to the jeweler about three weeks ago, together, and created the design with him, so I was involved in the whole ring-design-purchase process. I knew he had picked it up Friday but didn’t know when he would ask. I competed in a triathlon the following day, Saturday, on Amelia Island and friends close to us thought maybe he’d pop the question then. But with my crazy swollen fingers after the race, I’m glad he didn’t – the ring probably would not have fit!

Tuesday was a normal day, we texted back and forth during the day like we always do. Around 2pm I let him know I had my Tuesday’s Together meetup at a local pizza place, and asked if he would like me to order a pizza, which he could then swing by and pick up while I was still in the meeting. He actually declined, saying he was going to work late. So around 7:30pm, when I saw him walk into the restaurant, all I thought was “Oh, he changed his mind. Good thing I ordered a pizza anyway!” But when he got to the meeting room door and said “Sorry to interrupt, but I have something I need to ask Emily” I was completely shocked and surprised!
I asked him later that night how long he’d been planning that, and he said “about four hours.” He was originally thinking of taking us back to our first date restaurant later in the week and asking then, but he wanted photographs of it. So when I told him I’d be at a meeting full of photographers, he changed plans. He knocked it out of the park! Even though I was involved in the ring design process, I was still 100% surprised when he got down on one knee! And I certainly couldn’t have asked for a better group of people to witness our story unfold!