It’s undeniable that 2025 will be a major year of shifts for business owners, but what does that mean for your business? In this episode, we’re unpacking the trends we’re anticipating this year based on conversations with our guests.
Listen in as I break down how these trends could impact your business in 2025. Trust me, this episode is packed with game-changing tips and information that will help you feel confident as we head into the new year.
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1. The client journey is getting longer
People need more time to decide if they want to work with you. It’s not just about finding the right service, it’s about finding the right person. Clients want to know that the person they’re working with understands them and can deliver what they need.
Additionally, people want to see receipts now more than ever—knowing that what you offer is proven, repeatable, and will work for them.
All of this means that you as the business owner have to start thinking beyond quick wins. You have to think about planting seeds, nurturing your audience, and building trust over time. It’s about showing up consistently and providing value to your community. Go deeper instead of wider.
Clients are looking for reassurance every step of the way, so you have to meet them where they’re at and be patient. Your goal is to create moments that make them say, “Yes, this is exactly what I’ve been looking for.”
The great thing about this trend is it will help you build stronger, long-term client relationships.
2. Clients want a more hands-on experience
Clients want to feel like you’re part of their journey. For example, when they purchase a course from you, it’s not enough to deliver the course and send them on their way. They want to feel truly seen and heard—they’re looking for a connection with you.
As a business owner, you need to create opportunities for collaboration with your clients. That could look like creating customized options or offering spaces where your clients can gather and learn from each other. It’s not about doing everything for them, but it’s about walking alongside them and supporting them through their experience.
3. Creating seamless systems
So many of our guests, who are six and seven-figure business owners, have shared about the systems that drive their success. Systems aren’t sexy, but you need to have them to run your business. They keep everything running smoothly when life happens, and they increase your profits.
Systems also save you time and prevent decision fatigue. You don’t have to keep making the same small decisions every day.
If you have major revenue goals for 2025, your systems will dictate whether or not you hit them. Take time to refine your workflows and put systems in place that will foster growth in the new year.
4. VIP experiences
This trend seeped into several recent conversations with our guests, and I’d be curious to know your thoughts on it. I predict that one-on-one work is going to make a comeback in 2025. Clients want to feel like they truly matter and that you understand what they need. It’s not about cramming in as many clients as you can, it’s about going deep with one-on-one clients.
If you already offer one-on-one services, this is a great time to ask yourself how you can make them better.
5. Storytelling is more important than ever
Storytelling is no longer a strategy or a trend, it’s a way of connecting with people that will never go out of style. However, the way we share and consume stories is changing. Audiences don’t want polished perfection, they want to see your everyday moments.
In 2025, really lean into who you are as a person and how you experience the world. Lean into your superpower as a business owner and a human because it will connect you to your ideal audience and clients that align with your values.
6. Customer service is key
The quality of your customer service needs to be a huge priority in 2025. You need to go beyond the bare minimum and create an exceptional client experience. I’ll say it again: clients want to feel truly seen and valued.
The good thing is that amping up your customer service doesn’t have to be complicated. It’s all in the small details. For example, sending a personal email after someone books a service, or a follow-up email after they wrap up. These small gestures have a big impact and show your clients that you care about them, which will make them remember you.
7. The role of AI
According to our Harris poll research, about 70% of business owners are already using AI in their business. This is only going to grow in 2025. I know AI can still seem intimidating, but it’s time to let it play a bigger role in your business.
Utilizing AI can help alleviate minute tasks and save you time. It’s going to be amazing for solopreneurs who aren’t ready to scale and bring on team members yet. Lean into AI with curiosity and explore how it can help you automate your workflows and systems.
8. The rise of passive income
Honeybook recently released the 2025 Growth Guide, which revealed that the main thing top earners were doing to make their income was taking advantage of passive revenue sources. There are so many ways to create new streams of income, which is amazing.
How can you lean into passive income in 2025? Personally, I’m creating a course and leaning into selling templates. There are so many ways to get creative with this and create more revenue, and I can’t wait to see what you do.
Important sections of the conversation
- [1:10] Trend one: the client journey is getting longer
- [3:01] Trend two: clients want a more hands-on experience
- [4:37] Trend three: creating seamless systems
- [6:26] Trend four: VIP experiences
- [8:00] Trend five: storytelling is more important than ever
- [10:09] Trend six: customer service is key
- [11:46] Trend seven: the role of AI
- [13:43] Trend eight: the rise of passive income
Resources mentioned
Episode transcript
2025 is going to be a year of major shifts for business owners. So we thought that the perfect episode, the way to kick off the new year is to talk about some of the entrepreneurial trends that we are going to be seeing this year and what that means for our businesses. So I’m really excited to just dive in and unpack a lot of these because these are certain things I have seen based on conversations.
things that I’m noticing and trends that I’m noticing amongst guests who have been on the independent business podcast. So now let’s get ready to unpack some of these tips. And I promise this is not about overwhelming you. This is about helping you learn what’s happening in the industry so that you can do what’s best for you and your business.
Let’s get into the episode. Hey everyone. This is your host, Akua Konadu, and you’re listening to the Independent Business Podcast. More people than ever are working for themselves and building profitable businesses in the process. So on this show, I get to sit down with some of the most influential authors, entrepreneurs, and creators to break down the science of self made success so that you can achieve it too.
Trend number one is. that the client customer journey is getting longer. And I say this because I feel like people need more time to decide whether they want to work with you. And it’s not even just any more about finding the right service. It’s truly about finding the right person, right? Somebody that they feel really confident in.
They want to know that the person that they are working with understands them and can deliver what they need. Yeah. I have said this so many times is that people want receipts now more than ever. They really want to make sure that your process, what it is that you offer is proven and repeatable and it’s going to be able to work for them.
So like I said, people are taking their time to make that decision. And so what does that mean for you as a business owner? This means that we have to start thinking beyond just quick wins, right? Like you are planting seeds. You really have to lean into more of nurturing your audience. And I think we honestly have to nurture them a little bit more than we did before and really build that trust over time.
It’s about showing up consistently, whatever that looks like in your business. So that is like providing value in your email list, regularly nurturing your list, sharing valuable content, finding different ways to really interact with people, with your community on social media. So you want to think more about going deeper instead of wider, right?
So how can you make these deeper connections with your clients so that when you are selling something, they are going to quickly hit that buy button. Clients are looking for reassurance every step of the way. So we need to meet them where they’re at. We have to be more patient, be more consistent, and focus on creating moments that make them say, Yes, this is exactly what I’ve been looking for.
And so I just want to remind you that this is a process. And that is one that’s going to lead to stronger, long term relationships that is going to help you see success. Okay, trend number two. Another thing that I have been seeing, and I think it’s also going to really increase over 2025, is people are wanting more of a hands on experience.
You know, I think These days people want more than, you know, if you’re selling a course just to purchase the course and be on their way, right? They want to feel like they’re a part of the process. It’s really not enough to just hand them something and just literally say, here you go, right? They’re looking for that connection, the back and forth where they can Truly feel seen and heard.
So for us as business owners, it’s really about creating opportunities for collaboration with your client. So maybe that could look like working more closely with your clients and, or customize something and offering spaces where they can learn and gather and connect and support each other. And so it’s not about doing everything for them, but it is about walking alongside them and showing them what’s possible.
And so, you know, and I think it’s. That’s a great way to make sure to keep your clients motivated. So even for me as I build my storytelling course, I just completed my beta round, and one of the things that people shared was that they loved coming back every single week because I was with them every step of the way because I held them accountable for their goals and what it was that they wanted to accomplish.
And I really created that space to make sure that they could do the work and interact with each other and interact with me. So I do really believe that people are going to want more hands-on experiences. So. Really take the time to think of how you can be that touch point for your clients while they’re purchasing the, your products or services, whatever it is that you offer.
Trend number three, having systems. You have to have systems in your business. Honestly, at this point, it truly is a must have one of the biggest things that I have noticed as host of this podcast. And as I have interviewed, you know, six figure multi six figure, some of them even seven figure business owners, the main thing that has truly led to their success.
Is having systems in their business. And I say it all the time and I’m going to say it again. Systems aren’t sexy. Well, actually now they are sexy when you hear cha ching in your bank account. Right. When you hear that cha ching in your honey book account. So, you know, I really do think that we need to make it more of a priority to have systems in our business, right?
They are what keeps things running smoothly, especially when you’re busy or when life happens. So. Yes. Like I said, they’re not sexy, but they are necessary. So from automating emails to ongoing workflows, it is about creating structure so you don’t have to make decisions about the same things over and over.
And for me, I am recovering currently from decision fatigue. So this year was something I leaned into more heavily with my systems to really alleviate those small decisions that I had to keep making every single day. Cause that’s time those things build up. And so I really, really do think it’s important to look at your workflow Refine them, see what works, what didn’t work and make it work for you and your clients for your business because your business will thank you in the long run.
In fact, your business will be here tomorrow because you have these systems in place. So I think that is like if you were like, Hey, I want to hit six figures this year. Look at your systems or if you’re like, I’m already at six figures and I want to, you know, be more like, you know, I have a, I’ve made a hundred thousand.
I want to make 200, 000. Look at your systems because that truly will dictate what, whether you’re going to hit your revenue goals or not. So again, I just really want to hone in on that about having systems is a must have in your business. Number four, this trend, I, this is something that I personally believe and I have started to see slowly little conversations about this.
And so, yeah, I’m really curious if you listen to this episode, definitely send me a DM to let me know your thoughts. But I feel like VIP experiences is going to be a big thing. A major thing in 2025, like I feel like one to one work is going to be making a comeback. Now I’m not sitting there saying that one to one work just fell off the map.
It never did. I just think that there’s going to be more of an emphasis on it because people truly want to feel like they matter. Like you truly understand what they need. And it’s not about, you know, cramming in as many clients as you can. I think it’s really about taking the time to work on one thing.
and really pouring into them, um, so that you’re crafting something meaningful for the ones who say yes to you. Right. So I do, and I think that clients are really going to appreciate that more. I think it just really creates this deeper connection. And that was something why I have always loved doing one to one work.
And I do see that making more of a comeback this year. Like I do see it becoming more prominent, like one to one work, VIP experiences, like whatever way that can feel seen and just valued. Is always going to be number one. So I think again, like if you were somebody that was like, okay, maybe I let like leaned into a different area in my business, I think this could be an opportunity for you to really go back and look at your one to one offers and see if that’s something that you can really make better and see how that can work in your business.
So that is another trend that I think is going to be prominent in 2025. Okay, trend number five. Now, you know me as a storytelling strategist. Y’all should not be surprised by this next one, but I think that storytelling is more important than ever. And I truly do not think, you know, I feel like a lot of the times we kinda, you know, used storytelling strategies as Like, okay, like I’m just going to use it.
Like we have a choice. I think now we no longer have a choice. I think it’s no longer a trend. I think it’s truly a way of connecting with people. And it’s just something that never goes out of style. But I’ve also said this, that the way that we. Share stories is changing. Like storytelling has always been the anchor.
Like no matter what has evolved in business and marketing, storytelling has always been there, but the way that we share stories and the way that we consume stories have absolutely changed. And so your audience, they don’t want polished or perfection. They want everyday moments. Like what you think is mundane to you is extraordinary to somebody else.
And so. Really lean into who you are as a person, lean into how you experience the world. Like for me, I know I’m not the only storytelling strategist. I know there’s other incredible and talented business owners who do the same thing I do, but our experiences, the way that we do storytelling is different, the way that we coach our clients is different.
And that’s my superpower. And that’s what I’m going to consistently lean into because every single day I’m gaining some type of experiences that’s truly molding me as a business owner, as a human being. And that’s what I lean into to build my business, to share and connect with my audience so that I can find also to the right clients that align with my values.
And so. That is something I think, especially with the rise of A. I. And you know, it’s so quick now to create content. Storytelling is never going to go away. And I think if you are really wanting to stand out, if you really want to make an impact, uh, really leaning more into storytelling, truly, like I, it’s never going to go away.
And I think now it’s so essential to have it in your strategy. So that is trend number five. All right, trend number six. I also think, which kind of very similar to some of the trends that I’ve already talked about earlier, but customer service is really going to be key. Like customer service client experience again, like that is going to be such a major thing in 2025 because, you know, just really think of a time when.
Someone has made you feel really seen like somebody has really made you feel special. Like they didn’t just do the bare minimum. They went out of their way above and beyond to make you feel very, very valued. And that’s what client experience is all about. And honestly, like I said, it’s going to be huge this year because here’s the thing.
It doesn’t have to be this over the top or super complicated thing. I think sometimes. You know, really amping up our client experience or that customer service. It really is all in the details. Um, it could be the smallest thing, the smallest little change that can make such a big impact for you. So like, you know, sending a quick personal email after somebody books with you or following up on a project that wraps up and doing a check in.
Like, you know, it doesn’t have to be this big thing. It’s truly the small, tiny things that have the largest impact. impact. And so really again, go back and look at your systems. Look at how you are serving your client. What are ways that you can make that client experience better? Because right, you want them talking about you when you’re not in the room, when they have somebody that’s coming up to them and saying, Hey, I’m looking for somebody that does X, Y, Z.
Do you know anyone you want to be the first person at the top of their head? And they’re going to remember you because of the experience that you provided for them. So again, really think about, you know, How you are showing up for your clients and what type of experience that you can give them. Because I think, again, that’s going to be huge, huge, huge for this year.
Okay. So trend number seven, I really do think that AI is going to play an even bigger role in businesses. Now I know AI can still feel intimidating, but we did our Harris poll research last year and about 70 percent of business owners are already using AI in their business. And so, and a lot of it is, you know, with scheduling or, you know, dealing with more minute tasks, but I think that AI can play and will play a bigger role in your business.
So of course it’s going to alleviate certain tasks to free up more time, but I also do think that it can play a role. As like a business partner, right? Like, I am not going to lie. I absolutely chat GBT for more than just, you know, giving me ideas. Like I truly have used it to help me goal set. I’ve used it to help me and like add, give me feedback on certain ideas that I’ve been thinking.
And so if you are mainly a solopreneur and you’re like, Hey, I’m not at the capacity to scale yet. Um, but I really want somebody or like something to just really give me feedback or really help me get organized in my business, you know, to AI can do that for you. So I do think that AI is going to play a bigger role into businesses and really provide support in a way that is going to help people scale and really propel their business forward.
And so, you know, I think we have to, as business owners continue to Embrace AI, right? And also to lean in with curiosity, you know, change is hard in general. And I think again, I just remember when we first did episodes about AI and there was so much chatter about it. But I think a lot of us now have really embraced the change.
And so I think in 2025, if anything, especially, As AI continues to grow and more, it can do more things. I think we should embrace it and lean into curiosity and also to, you don’t have to use everything, take what you need and apply that to your business and leave everything else. But either way, I think it can make a huge, huge, positive impact in your business.
Okay. And the last trend that I see being prominent in 2025 is that passive income is going to continue to be on the rise. So HoneyBook released their 2025 growth guide. And that was the main thing that top earners were able to make the revenue that they were making. Because a good chunk of their income came from passive income, right?
And so I do think that business owners are getting a lot more creative and finding, uh, unique revenue streams. And I think that’s amazing. And so I do see that passive income is going to continue to be on the rise, whether that does be a course or, you know, a workshop or whatever it is. I do see that.
Being very effective for business owners. I mean, I’m now creating my course into 2025, my storytelling course. Um, and so, you know, I’m definitely one of them that’s leaning into more passive income as my capacity has changed as a business owner. And so I’m embracing that. And I’m also leaning into templates.
You know, at HoneyBook, we have our, you know, the template shop where you can create templates and sell them, where you can get that passive revenue. There’s so many unique ways to make money. And I’m excited to see. See how business owners lean into this area and create passive income streams that are truly going to work for them and their business.
All right. And there you have it. These are the things that I think are going to be very prominent in 2025. And so I want to hear from you, send me a DM on Instagram and let me know what you think of some of these takeaways, because I would love to know your thoughts and just continue this discussion further.
Because again, I think we can take these and. Be very strategic with how we apply them to our business. Now you definitely don’t have to apply everything to your business, but take what you need and apply what works for you. So anyways, thank you as always so much for tuning in and until next time. That ends our episode of the independent business podcast.
Everything we’ve discussed today can be found at podcast. honeybook. com. Head to our website to access for show notes, relevant links, and all of the resources that you need to level up. And if you’ve enjoyed today’s episode, be sure to subscribe to the podcast to make sure you never miss our future content, drop us a review and leave our guests some love on social.
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