It’s important that your brand does the work for you in your business!!!
Let’s take a look at some really important questions to consider when developing a brand AND help you realize your full potential to step up to your brand significantly.
Why are you doing this? Do you want to be taken more seriously in the market or establish yourself as an expert? Are you launching a new business, product or service? Whatever your motivations, be clear from the onset.
What is the main objective, mission or value of the company? What is the main direction of your work, who you are serving, how you are delivering your work, etc. Write 2–3 sentence mission statement to carry your brand from the beginning.
Are you selling what inspires you? Are you known for products and services that have you leaping out of bed in the morning? And do they sell? Are there products and services you’d like to drop and others you’d like to add to your business? This is your chance to gain focus or to reinvent yourself and your business!
When you’re in the thick of running a business it can be easy to focus on wrong things.While it’s important that you understand what’s going on in the market and you listen to feedback, what’s even more important is that you maintain your confidence and belief in what you’re doing.
Your entrepreneurial vision, your style, and your commitment to what you do are the greatest assets your business has: protect and celebrate them. Take a moment or two and focus on the things that you do better than anyone else. What do you really excel at?What else? And what else?
Profitable dream clients are the ones who value what you do and are prepared to spend what you want to charge. They are people you need to attract more of. So who are they and what motivates them to work with you? What do they value about what you do?
The right branding can help you attract more of the clients and work that has you leaping out of bed in the morning – and less of the stuff that leaves you with the unpleasant knot in your stomach. Is there anything that needs to change about the way you present your business so that you can do more of the things that you love and less of those that you
This is quite possibly the most important question anyone in business needs to answer.Why do you do what you do? This is about the authenticity and the drive that keeps you going when things get tough? You might find this question very simple to answer. It is okay for both our personal and business values to often overlap.
9. Who, exactly, should this new or restyled brand blow away?
Be honest with yourself here. Think broadly about who you really want to impress with your brand. Think beyond clients. Perhaps there is a magazine editor, blogger, media outlet, future staff members…
Imagine handing your newly styled and printed business card over to an exciting new prospect or a dream client visits your beautifully designed brand identity on your website or blog…how should they feel? What should they think about your business?
Give yourself the opportunity to dream a little, to think really big. Why shouldn’t your business be the leading authority in the field? Why shouldn’t you create something thoroughly aspirational, something that stakes your claim as a market leader and then encourages you to drive onwards and upwards? What would your brand need to do in