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How do consultants get paid: Best practices for 2024

Consultants have a few options to choose from as far as payment structure, from flat fee to hourly rate. Find out the pros and cons of each and get some tips for client negotiations.

Financial planning is key for consultants. Since they’re on their own, consultants need to carefully manage their cash flow, sustainability, and business growth. Choosing the right payment method helps ensure their financial planning is effective. 

There are a few ways consultants get paid, and the method they choose impacts everything from timing to contractual implications to client relationships. Misunderstandings or unclear payment terms can lead to trust issues. The right payment method should meet your own needs while also recognizing your client’s preferences.

Understanding the various methods of compensation will help you choose the most effective option for your specific type of work, and offering a few different options may ensure you’re meeting your clients’ expectations as well. 

So how are consultants paid? And should you be an hourly rate consultant or a project-fee consultant? Find out the different types of payment terms for consultants and their advantages and disadvantages. 

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Common payment terms for consultants

The way you get paid may depend on the project, the client, and the amount of time required. Here’s an overview of the different methods and how they work:

  • Hourly rate: This is when you charge a client based on how many hours you spend on a project. This is beneficial for consultants because you’re getting paid for the actual time you put into something.
  • Project-based pricing: You can also charge one flat rate for the entire project, which you and the client agree upon in advance. Keep in mind that even if you spend a lot more time on the project than you originally thought you would, that flat fee stays the same, unlike with an hourly rate. This is essentially a lump-sum payment for your services, which you could charge at the start or end of the project.
  • Retainer agreement: Sometimes a client may agree to pay you a fixed monthly fee so you’re always available for a set level of services or hours. This could be a good option for ongoing services when you work at a consistent rate each month.
  • Results-based fee: Under this arrangement, you get paid when you deliver specific results for the client. Clients like this because they don’t have to pay unless they’re satisfied with the work. However, this means that you may not get paid for the work you put in if something goes wrong.
  • Milestone payments: This is when the client pays you an agreed-upon amount each time you hit an outlined milestone during the project or relationship. This can be a good option when you want to get paid throughout the project, and it keeps you on task with your progress.
  • Commission-based payment: Some consultants earn money based on the results of their services. For instance, if you make a sale, you’ll get a percentage of that sale as your payment. This can be tricky since you get paid based on your performance.
  • Equity-based payment: Some consultants may agree to receive equity in a startup as part of their payment. This may be the arrangement if you have a vested interest in the business or are working at a senior level.
  • Profit-sharing arrangements: A consultant may agree to get paid as part of a profit-sharing, or revenue-sharing, agreement, receiving a portion of the company’s profits as compensation for their services. This means you could get a portion of the revenue you helped the company generate.
  • Hybrid structure: You may decide that a mix of two or more of the above options would be best. For example, maybe you would agree to a regular hourly rate with a client, but special projects would require a flat fee. You could also include in your agreement that exceeding a certain number of hours under a flat-fee arrangement would require additional payments on an hourly basis. 
  • Value-based pricing: Here, you would charge the client based on the results you generate for them. This could be a good option if you’re generating significant value for the client or they’re looking for a clear ROI.

The first step in determining your consulting fees is selecting a model, or a combination of methods, from the above list of payment structures and terms. Once you know how you want to get paid, you can figure out what that payment should be. 

Remember that as a consultant, you can decide the best way to arrange your payment terms. You can combine more than one of these methods and customize your approach based on each client’s needs and the type of consultancy you provide. 

Your payment terms should be outlined in your service agreement and should include a payment schedule for each project or for your ongoing services. 

Pros and cons of common payment structures

Here’s a brief overview of the advantages and disadvantages of the most common payment arrangements that consultants use.

Hourly rate


  • Billing flexibility for the actual time you spend on a project
  • Great for unpredictable projects with no set end date
  • Simple to calculate and understand fees 


  • Potential for disputes about time spent and value provided
  • May encourage inefficiency since you get paid for working longer



  • Clarity and predictability for both parties with an agreed-upon up-front fee 
  • Encourages efficiency since you’re not paid based on the number of hours worked


  • You could underestimate how many hours a project will take you
  • The client could request additional work outside of the initial agreement, known as “scope creep”



  • Stable income for the consultant
  • Clients know what to expect and can budget in advance


  • The client may end up not having enough work to justify the retainer fee
  • Consultants may become complacent with that guaranteed payment



  • You can align your incentives with the client’s goals
  • You may find yourself putting a lot of thought into your work since you want to achieve specific results


  • Poses a risk for consultants since sometimes a project’s success is outside their control
  • Conflicts could arise about the quality of the end result



  • You can align your long-term interests with the company’s success
  • Great for startups or more innovative initiatives and projects


  • Payment is contingent upon the company’s success and is not guaranteed
  • It can be hard to value services and negotiate with startups

Each of these structures has its benefits and challenges. Every service or engagement has a unique set of circumstances to consider when you’re agreeing on a payment structure so that all parties are satisfied.

What factors influence pricing?

So how much do consultants charge? A few different factors impact the pricing of your services. That’s why every consultant is a little bit different in their method and price point. What you charge will be based on:

  • Your industry
  • Your years of experience and expertise
  • Your location
  • The demand for your services
  • Whether or not you can show that your value justifies a higher consultant fee
  • Your specific consultancy role
  • The types of clients you work with
  • Each client’s budget

With the value piece, remember that as a consultant, it’s not just about tasks. It’s about the results you deliver to the client. 

Do plenty of research into what other consultants charge in your market. Connect with other professionals in the industry and pay attention to what people are being paid within that space. Other tips for assessing the market demand include:

  • Conduct a competitor analysis to find out what other consultants are charging.
  • Use secondary research, such as studies from foundations or institutions.
  • Look online and monitor consultants’ pricing.
  • Analyze your specific market segments.
  • Keep up with the trends in your industry.

Stay plugged into what’s going on with your clients and your industry as a whole to make sure you charge what you’re worth and stay competitive.

Best practices for negotiations

When you’re negotiating with potential clients regarding your fees and payment terms, start the relationship off right by setting clear expectations. Clearly define the project scope, the expected deliverables, and a specific timeline for service delivery. This should all be set in stone up front. 

The goal of your negotiation should be to come to an arrangement that works for both you and your client’s financial goals. Talk about typical payment schedules you can agree to and make concessions where needed while ensuring your own cash flow won’t be impacted. 

Don’t forget to also discuss how you’ll get paid and lay it out in the agreement. Options may include checks, ACH transfers, or credit cards. Make sure you can agree to the client’s desired method of payment.

Monitoring and managing payments

If you’re charging hourly, next up is figuring out how you’ll track your hours and bill the client. Many consultants use time-tracking tools, spreadsheets, and other types of software to keep track of their working hours. Make sure you have a method for tracking what you’re paid and when so you know whether or not your payment terms are working for you.

An option like HoneyBook helps consultants and business owners keep tabs on time worked while tracking their expenses. HoneyBook also gives consultants one centralized place for their client relationship management so they can keep tabs on their arrangements, properly manage their resources, and ensure billing accuracy.

It’s also wise to schedule regular check-ins with your clients to discuss your progress and any adjustments you may need to make to the payment terms. Communication is key, and with HoneyBook, you can improve the way you connect with clients thanks to its automation and collaboration features.

All of these payment and project terms will be outlined in the service contract between you and your client. Your agreements should clearly state how and when you’ll be paid, the scope of the work you’re doing, and the obligations of both parties. 

Each payment structure will have different requirements, such as a retainer agreement, so make sure to do your research on what to include and what could go wrong. Your overall contract for service will likely govern the entire relationship, and the scope of work will detail each specific project or engagement. There should also be language laying out the consequences for late client payments or late work.

You may also include a nondisclosure agreement (NDA) or intellectual property agreement if you or your clients want to protect sensitive information and trade secrets. 

Aligning your payment terms with your business objectives

It’s crucial to understand how consultants are paid, the different payment structures, and how they may impact your cash flow. A hybrid approach may be the right option for you, especially as you’re trying out different methods and assessing their pros and cons.

HoneyBook makes financial management simple for consultants. The comprehensive clientflow platform helps you manage all aspects of your business in one place, including invoices and online payments.

Get started with HoneyBook today for a better approach to payment management.

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