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The difference between a business owner and a though leader with Camille Campins-Adams

Do you know the difference between being a business owner and a thought leader? If you don’t, you will by the end of this episode. My guest, Camille Campins-Adams is a bestselling author and book coach.

She joins us to break down the skills you need to become a thought leader in your industry, how to grow your influence, and how to discover the message you’re meant to share. If you’ve been wanting to be bolder, more innovative, and share your expertise with the world, this episode is for you.

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From author to thought leader: Camille’s story

Camille Campins-Adams went to the University of Miami to study entrepreneurship, but she didn’t think she’d actually become an entrepreneur. When she became a stay-at-home mom, she realized she needed an outlet outside of the home, so she got two part-time jobs and began a master’s program in creative writing.

Her schedule quickly became unsustainable, so she decided to start her own business to gain more time freedom. She tried a few different ideas before landing on book coaching, which is what she’s most passionate about. In addition to coaching authors in the writing process, she also helps with book launches. 

The difference between a business owner and a thought leader

Business owners and thought leaders are both experts in what they do, but the difference is that thought leaders push the envelope. They’re innovative and strategic, and they share their insights with others instead of keeping their knowledge to themselves. 

Thought leaders don’t have scarcity mindsets. They don’t believe that sharing their knowledge with others will impede their own growth. Thought leaders believe in growing together and that ships rise together. They want to help others in their industry experience success.

Why thought leaders need to practice vulnerability 

Being a thought leader is not only about sharing your successes with others. You must also share your struggles and the lessons you’ve learned on your journey. Audiences connect to vulnerability, so it’s important for thought leaders to pull back the curtain and show the behind-the-scenes of their businesses.

While vulnerability is important, it’s also key to have clear boundaries around what you will and will not share. For example, Camille does not share anything online that will negatively impact her family. You can share your struggles in a way that doesn’t get into too many personal specifics from your life. 

How to step into being a thought leader

To become a thought leader, you have to be willing to pave the way instead of following the status quo. To do something different in your industry, you need to drown out the noise of what everyone else is doing and seek sources of fresh inspiration. 

Thought leaders don’t waste time looking to the right or left to see what everyone else is doing. They center themselves and look inward. 

Spend time in prayer, meditation, or journaling, and ask yourself these questions:

  1. What is it that is trying to pour out of me?
  2. What is God, or Source, trying to tell me?
  3. What is being birthed through me?

If you desire to be a thought leader, there’s a reason for that. There is something inside you that needs to come out, and you need to get still and listen to it.

To step into being a thought leader, you have to get out of your comfort zone, try new things, and not be afraid to go back to square one.

How to achieve influence in your industry as a thought leader

Camille believes that there are two things that will make you a thought leader and establish your influence in your industry: books and speaking on stage. Both of these things will position you as an expert in your field and make other people pay attention to what you have to say. 

If you’re going to write a book, it’s crucial to write a well-done book instead of a glorified business card. Your book should be professional, convey that you know what you’re talking about, and stand out. 

A key difference between a business owner and a thought leader is that business owners focus on sales while thought leaders focus on amplifying a message. Writing a book and speaking at events are great ways to get your message in front of an audience and establish yourself as a thought leader. 

Can you be a business owner and a thought leader?

Thanks to social media, it’s easier than ever to get in front of a wide audience. Business owners now have the opportunity to run their businesses and become thought leaders at the same time. You can become a thought leader by appearing on podcasts, showing up on YouTube, or doing Instagram live videos. 

You don’t have to start with a book or speaking on stage. You can start with smaller arenas and build up your influence over time. For example, you can lead local workshops, speak at schools, and leverage social media or a blog. All of these options can be done while you continue to run your business.   

How AI will change thought leadership

Thought leaders can use AI as a powerful tool to help them brainstorm, but it’s crucial that all of your ideas are your own. You have to be extra careful not to plagiarize and ruin your credibility. When used correctly, AI can save you time so that you can continue to share your original ideas.

The biggest differentiator between the businesses that succeed and the ones that fail

Camille believes that the biggest differentiator between the businesses that succeed and the ones that fail is perseverance. You have to persevere and believe in yourself when times get tough. 

Important sections of the conversation

  • [1:08] From author to thought leader: Camille’s story 
  • [4:26] The difference between a business owner and a thought leader
  • [6:04] Why thought leaders need to practice vulnerability 
  • [11:00] How to step into being a thought leader
  • [17:24] How to achieve influence in your industry as a thought leader
  • [19:55] Can you be a business owner and a thought leader?
  • [23:10] How AI will change thought leadership
  • [27:15] The biggest differentiator between the businesses that succeed and the ones that fail

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