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How audacity took this B2B business to $1 million with Dr. Michael Tatonetti

If you’re looking for a podcast episode that will make you feel fired up about your business, this is the one. Dr. Michael Tatonetti joins the show for an impactful conversation about his business journey, the importance of prioritizing yourself, and how to have the audacity to go after what you want.

Dr. Tatonetti is the founder and CEO of Pricing for Associations. This conversation is a powerful reminder that if you want to build a successful business, you need to have not only the confidence but the belief that you can.

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Dr. Michael’s business journey

Before launching his business, Michael worked in the nonprofit sector, higher education, and as a freelance marketer. However, he found his niche when he began working for a professional association that did pricing consulting. He went on to launch his own pricing consulting firm in 2020. Michael’s B2B firm consults corporations and nonprofits on their pricing strategies. 

Having the audacity to go after what you want

Dr. Michael credits his unexpected business journey to the fact that he simply took every lucrative opportunity that came his way. He acknowledges that as a cis white man, he has the privilege of being able to go after his goals. 

However, Dr. Michael also has confidence in himself that he’s learned to use to leverage opportunities. He doesn’t hold himself back from going for new opportunities because he doesn’t feel qualified enough. He goes for the opportunity anyway and then works extremely hard if he gets it. 

You don’t have to have all the answers, you just have to know more than the clients you’re serving. 

Creating ease in your business so you can handle massive growth

Dr. Michael is a single father and business owner, so he has to use his time strategically to maintain his priorities. The first way he added some ease to his business was by hiring an assistant. He also systemized the business’s processes to eliminate redundant administration tasks.

Dr. Michael uses these programs in his business to help create more ease:

It took three years to get all of the business’s processes in place and fine-tune them, but it was worth it. In 2024, Dr. Michael’s business has blown up and has brought in four to five times more revenue than in previous years. He’s had to quickly hire more team members, and they all relied on the systems that were already in place to handle the insane growth. 

Dr. Michael’s approach is a prime example of “staying ready so you don’t have to get ready.” Putting systems in place is not the sexy part of building a business, but it’s the key to having a sustainable business that can handle massive growth. 

How to pivot from B2C to B2C

Dr. Michael ran a freelance B2C business before he launched his B2B consultancy firm, where he could make much more money. His advice for business owners wanting to make the same pivot is to tap into associations. 

Examples include the American Bar Association for lawyers, the American Institute of CPAs for accountants, the American Nurses Association, etc. There is an association for every major field.

If you do social media strategy, you can email the marketing teams for the association about your services. You can reach out to national, state, or local chapters. Dr. Michael recommends reaching out with a proposal ready to go. For example, you could send them 30 days of social media prompts. 

Clients that you connect with through associations will require a heavier workload, but they can also pay much more than B2C clients. 

Another way to connect with B2B clients through associations is to become a speaker. They can book you as a breakout speaker at their events, or you could host workshops for them. 

Another great thing about B2B clients is they’re used to working on a retainer. If you provide them with a great client experience, they’ll likely want to extend their contract with you or refer you to other clients.

The confidence rollercoaster

Dr. Michael comes off as being extremely confident, but he admits that there are times when he doesn’t feel that way. For the first few years of his business, he was anxious before every client meeting because he feared they wouldn’t like the work he did for them.

Today, he uses proof to help build and sustain his confidence. He acknowledges the success and big wins that his business has achieved for other businesses. There are good days and bad days in business, so reminding yourself of your success can help you stay clear-headed on the off days. 

Dr. Michael also relies on his support system during the bad days. When he isn’t feeling confident, he’ll call a friend who will lift him up. 

Putting Yourself First as a Business Owner

As a business owner, you have to put yourself first because no one else is going to do it for you. You have to believe in yourself in order to have the audacity to go after what you want. You have to keep trying until someone says yes, and you have to strategically seize the right opportunities that come your way. 

The biggest differentiator between the businesses that succeed and the ones that fail

Dr. Michael believes that the biggest differentiator between the businesses that succeed and the ones that fail is having the audacity to put yourself out there and go for the opportunities that are in front of you. 

Important sections of the conversation

  • [1:34] Michael’s business journey
  • [4:49] Having the audacity to go after what you want
  • [9:55] Creating ease in your business so you can handle massive growth
  • [17:37] How to pivot from B2B to B2C
  • [25:37] The confidence rollercoaster
  • [30:17] Putting yourself first as a business owner
  • [33:11] The biggest differentiator between the businesses that succeed and the ones that fail

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