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The Instagram content strategy you need in 2025 with Lucas O’Keefe

The start of a new year is the perfect time to revamp your business’s social media strategy. Social media marketing expert Lucas O’Keefe joins us to share his top Instagram strategies for 2025. Listen in as he shares valuable tips and insights to help you see social media in a new light.

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From elementary school teacher to social media educator

Lucas is an elementary teacher who ventured into content creation after he heard his students talking about TikTok. He quickly realized he was good at it and enjoyed it, so he started educating other people on how to grow social media followings for their businesses. 

The pros and cons of using Instagram for your business

Lucas believes that Instagram is still the best social media platform to grow your business because of all the business features it offers. However, it’s easy to get discouraged on Instagram. His advice is to not set an unrealistic goal when you first get started. 

The great thing about Instagram is that all types of content can stand out when it’s high quality. It’s important to focus on your own journey and not compare your account to someone who’s been on the platform for a long time. 

A recent downside to Instagram is that it’s getting harder to get people to hit the follow button. It’s more likely that they see your post in their suggested posts, and even share it with a friend, but don’t choose to follow you. 

How to gain Instagram followers in 2025

Instagram and other apps win whether people follow you or not. They care about people consuming content and staying on their platform. Getting someone to follow you in the middle of their doom scroll is a “pattern break,” which is hard to do when they’re locked in a pattern of consuming.

What does this mean for creators? Quality is now more important than quantity when it comes to your content. How can you put your best foot forward, even if that means cutting back on your posting frequency? 

You want your posts to stand out so that people will go to your profile and follow you because they want to see more posts from you.  

As we discussed in episode 89, the customer journey is getting longer. The same sentiment applies to the follower journey. 

Instagram predictions for 2025

Lucas predicts that 2025 will be a standstill year for Instagram, which he believes is a good thing. After the boom of Instagram reels, the platform has stabilized and now rewards all content when it’s high quality. There are multiple paths to growth on Instagram now instead of just one. 

However, if you’re just starting out on Instagram, creating reels is still the fastest way to grow. If your account is more established, you can experiment with different types of posts, like static posts and carousels. Over time, you’ll learn which style of posts your audience interacts with the most. 

Content strategy tips for 2025

Lucas developed and uses a 4-1-1 content strategy. Four plus one plus one equals six, so this strategy works for every six posts you create. The strategy works whether you share six posts per week or stretch them out over two weeks. The important thing is that your posts are in multiples of three or six.

Here’s how the 4-1-1 strategy works:

  • Four posts are your highest value bringing content – they aren’t about selling or promoting your business, they’re pure value.
    • Examples: educational posts, tutorials, entertainment
  • One post is a hard sell that promotes your business – these posts won’t perform as well as your value posts, but it’s important to promote your business. 
  • One post is a soft sell – this is a mix of the previous two types of content. You can offer value and include a CTA at the end that nudges them to take the next step. 
  • As you plan your content, mix all of these posts up. For example, you could post one value post, one hard sell post, two value posts, one soft sell post, and then one more value post. 

Don’t fall into the trap of only growing your following

Value posts will grow your following the most, and sales posts won’t perform as well. It’s easy for creators to get trapped only posting value because they love the results. However, you want to continue to promote your business and convert followers into customers. 

Promotional content trains your audience to expect more than only free value. If you’ve built a solid community on Instagram, your audience will be excited to support you. 

If you aren’t comfortable with selling posts, you can start by sharing them on your Instagram stories instead of your main feed. 

How to pivot if TikTok gets banned in the US

It’s still unknown what will happen with TikTok in the US in 2025, but it’s a good idea to use this time to focus on other platforms. Instagram, LinkedIn, and YouTube Shorts are excellent platforms for short-form videos, so you should start posting your TikTok content on those apps as well. 

The value of series content

If Lucas was creating his Instagram account from scratch again, he would post more series content. It’s a great way to get people hooked on your content and follow you. If people love part one of your series, they’ll come back for part two and so on. 

When you find a series style you like, it’s easy to repeat. Series topic options include educational series, story time series, day in the life series, etc. 

An example of this strategy is the “Who the F Did I Marry” series from ReesaTeesa on TikTok. Another one is Deep Pocket Monsters on TikTok. 

How to keep showing up on social media when it’s frustrating

It’s hard to be consistent on social media when you feel burnt out or your content is performing well. To avoid frustration, you may want to scale back on your content. Instead of posting every day, try posting three times a week. This will allow you to create higher quality content that gets more mileage. 

The biggest differentiator between the businesses that succeed and the ones that fail

Lucas believes that the biggest differentiator between the businesses that succeed and the ones that fail is consistency. However, consistency is not to be confused with frequency. It’s about showing up for a long period of time and making it work for you. 

Important sections of the conversation

  • [2:24] From elementary school teacher to social media educator 
  • [4:37] The pros and cons of using Instagram for your business
  • [8:20] How to gain Instagram followers in 2025 
  • [11:34] Instagram predictions for 2025
  • [18:30] Content strategy tips for 2025
  • [25:13] Don’t fall into the trap of only growing your following
  • [28:54] How to pivot if TikTok gets banned in the US
  • [31:56] The value of series content
  • [37:03] How to keep showing up on social media when it’s frustrating
  • [40:37] The biggest differentiator between the businesses that succeed and the ones that fail

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